Terahertz Antennas and Components

The Terahertz antennas and components complete the product portfolio for THz. We offer photoconductive antennas made for excitation wavelengths of 800 nm and 1500 nm. On the component side we offer optimized mechanical holders as well as THz lenses.


  • Easy to Use Fiber-Coupled Modules
  • Mounts Available for Chip-Mounted Antennas
  • Broad Bandwidth
Menlo Systems brings the TERA8-1 to the market with our collaborator IPM, Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik. The newest generation of the TERA10 and TERA15 series antennas are brought to the market with our collaborator, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich-Hertz-Institut. The structure of the THz antennas is optimized for broadest bandwidth and the best signal-to-noise ratio. For more technical details about each antenna, please see the Specs Tab, or contact Menlo systems using the information below. For complete terahertz solutions, including a laser source and data acquisition hardware and software, see the TERA-K8TERA-K15, and TERA-OSCAT spectrometer systems.


  • THz Generation
  • THz Physics
  • Broadband THz Spectroscopy
  • THz Imaging

Terahertz Antennas for 800 nm

  • Optimized for Lasers Around 800 nm, Pulse Widths <100 fs, 100 MHz Repetition Rate
  • 1 Wrapped Dipole Structure on Each Chip
  • Low Temperature Grown GaAs Dipole Structures

The TERA8-1 antenna is a single dipole structure mounted on a PCB. The antenna can be used both as an emitter and as a detector. The TERA8-1 antennas are used in the TERA-K8 time domain spectrometer kit.

To obtain the best performance of the TERA8-1 antenna, Menlo Systems offers the T8-H2 mount, which includes a focusing lens for the optical beam and a pre-collimating Si lens for the THz radiation. The T8-H2 mount features an X-Y position adjustment of the Si lens relative to the TERA8-1 antenna and an X-Y differential screw adjustment for precise control of the alignment of the TERA8-1 to the focus of the optical 

Terahertz Antennas for 1030 nm

  • Optimized for Lasers Around 1030 nm, Pulse Widths <100 fs, 100 MHz Repetition Rate
  • Based on Novel Mesa-Structured InGaAs/InAlAs Photoconductive Layers

The TERA10-SL25-FC and TERA10-DP25-FC Antennas feature a polarization-maintaining, fiber-coupled solution for greatest ease of use and optimum performance. The geometries of the emitter and receiver antennas are optimized for best signal-to-noise and bandwidth. The emitter has a strip line geometry and the detector has a dipole geometry (see figure to the right). These “plug and play” antenna modules offer the best flexibility in experimental configuration and setup.

Terahertz Antennas for 1560 nm

  • Optimized for Lasers Around 1560 nm, Pulse Widths <100 fs, 100 MHz Repetition Rate
  • Patented LT InGaAs/InAlAs on InP Multi-Layer Structure
  • Available for Both Free-Space and Fiber-Coupled Inputs

The TERA15-SL25 and TERA15-DP25 antennas, like the TERA8-1 above, are substrates mounted on PCBs. The TERA-SL25 emitter is a stripline geometry, and the TERA15-DP25 is a dipole geometry. Menlo Systems also offers the T15-H2 mount for best performance and easy adjustment of the TERA15 antennas. The T15-H2 includes a focusing lens for the infrared beam and a pre-collimating Si lens for the THz radiation. The T15-H2 mount features an X-Y position adjustment of the Si lens relative to the TERA15 antenna and an X-Y differential screw adjustment for precise control of the alignment of the TERA15 antenna to the focus of the infrared beam.

The TERA15-TX-FC and TERA15-RX-FC antennas are polarization-maintaining, fiber-coupled modules optimized for better THz power production. These antennas are used in the fully fiber-coupled TERA-K15 and TERA-OSCAT terahertz spectrometers.

For special requirements - please contact us.