The Optical Frequency Comb technology is a breakthrough in measurements with highest accuracy.
Lowest phase noise, stable supercontinuum, and turn-key operation make the Menlo Optical Frequency Comb solutions unique in accuracy and reliability.
According to our principles: The best Optical Frequency Comb for any application.
The new FC1500-Quantum
CW Laser System with Optically Referenced Frequency Comb – Complete solution for cold atom applications:
Menlo Systems offers a complete laser system for a variet of different atomic species & scenarios, such as e.g. for calcium ion or strontium lattices. In a 3 19-inch racks, all integrated cw lasers are stabilized by the use of an optical frequency comb and are coupled to the experiment via optical fibers.
A sub-Hz linewidth laser, which is stabilized to an optical cavity of ultrahigh finesse, serves as reference for the ultralow noise frequency comb.
The comb transfers the spectral purity of the cavity to all lines of its spectrum, which themselves then serve as reference for all lasers needed. The entire system is controlled via central software.