About the company

Areas of Experties
- Light Measurement
- Irradiance Meters
- Radiometers
- Spectroradiometers
- Laser Power Measurement
- Optical Power Meters
- Integrating Spheres
- Tunable Light Sources
- Light Sources for Instrumentation and Sensing Applications
- Diffuse Reflectance Coatings and Materials
- Reflectance Targets & Standards
- Custom LED Solutions
Leading Products

ILT2400 Hand-Held Radiometer
The ILT2400 is the most advanced hand-held light/lux meter and optometer on the market today. ILT’s Accuspan software automatically sets the averaging while rapidly measuring over 8 decades of light intensities. The internal software allows customers to capture a peak as brief as 100μS and to store up to 16 readings per second. Features a full color touch-screen display.

Illumia Pro 3 LED Characterization System
The illumiaPro3 is an 0.5 m integrating sphere spectroradiometer designed for R&D and production applications for the LIVT and LM-85 testing and characterization of high-power LEDs. Sphere is coated with Labsphere’s Spectraflect® diffuse white coating, and is fitted with a thermal tech controller, industry-leading source meter, and stray light corrected spectrometer for LIVT, pulsed modes, and DC testing of high-power LEDs.

Helios Plus-AMA Air Mass-Albedo Sunlight Systems
The HELIOSPlus-AMA, A Family systems are the ultimate expression of uniform calibration source technology allowing you to test with spectrums and levels that are equivalent to solar outputs. The A Family allows you to confirm all your testing with classic QTH and augment your characterization to test as you fly with traceable solar-like light.

Spectra FT Fine Tunable Sources
Spectra-FT is a family of fine tunable uniform sources for test, characterization, and illumination of imaging and non-imaging optical sensors. Choose from VIS-NIR spectral sources with luminance ranges from 200 cd/m2 to greater than 25,000 cd/m2. These fine tunable sources have integrated diffusers that allow high uniformity for testing cameras with fields of view.

Blue Sun Uniform Source
The high power in the blue region is matched with high temporal stability, and a smooth visible spectrum for long-term testing that minimizes spectral mismatch

Laser Power Measurement Systems
Our laser power measurement spheres and sphere sensors provide options for sphere size and coating which are determined by the test laser power levels, the sphere optical detectors which are dictated by the test laser wavelength, and spectral responsivity calibration of the range of the optical detectors.
Latest News
ILT joins Labsphere
International Light Technologies, Inc., joins Labsphere, Inc., creating the industry’s most comprehensive spectral source and light measurement provider. Creating a one-stop solution for light measurement instrumentation and illuminant sources, this strategic alignment brings together over 90 years of combined expertise, fortifying their position as industry leaders in illuminant sources, measurement equipment, calibration capabilities, and reflectance materials.