About the company

Area of Experties
- Crystals for Laser Applications
- Crystals for Telecom Applications
- Precision Optics
- Laser Components
- Consistent High Quality
- One-Stop Solutions
Leading Products

Yb:YAG is an important laser-active material. Compared with Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG has a much larger absorption, a longer upper-laser level lifetime, 3 to 4 times lower thermal loading per unit pump power.

Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthovanadate – Nd:YVO4 is the most efficient laser crytal for diode pumping among the current laser crystals, especially, for low to middle power, mainly for its absorption and emission features surpassing Nd:YAG.

Neodymium Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet – Nd:YAG, the earlist and most famous laser host crystal with advantageous properties, is ubiquitously used for near IR solid lasers and their frequency-doubler, tripler, and higher order multiplier.

LBO Crystals
LBO is an excellent nonlinear optical crystal discovered by FIRSM affiliated to Chinese Academy of Sciences. Its NLO devices now are produced, manufactured and marketed by CASTECH.

Beta-Barium Borate
β-BBO, discovered by FIRSM of Chinese Academy of Sciences, now is manufactured and marketed by CASTECH. Besides as a NLO crystal for SHG and FOHG, it’s also usd in OPO and ultrashort-pulse lasers.

BIBO nonlinear Optical Crystal
BIBO has a large effective nonlinear coefficient which is 3.5 – 4 times higher than that of LBO, 1.5 – 2 times higher than that of BBO. It is used top-seeded solution growth technique at CASTECH.